Play now: Serious game ELECTRIFYtoday is available from today

Here we go! From today you can play the German version of ELECTRIFYtoday, our serious game about the energy revolution for learners and teachers, as a browser version or download version.

In exciting missions, you can design a world in which energy from renewable resources is available in sufficient quantities – the All Electric Society.

The missions include diverse, entertaining learning stations on questions such as:

– How are energy production and consumption related?

– What is solar power? What different types of solar cells and photovoltaic panels are there?

– What is e-mobility and what are the differences between different types of charging?

– and much more.

For teachers, the moderation mode offers targeted activation and processing of the topics for groups.

Curious? Then play the online version in your browser or download the game:

If required, you can find the game instructions here:

We look forward to your feedback!

Note: For a better gaming experience (higher graphics and audio quality, shorter loading times, etc.), we recommend downloading the game.

Play now: Serious game ELECTRIFYtoday is available from today
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