All Electric Society (AES) International Summit on Electric Mobility and Smart Cities

The “All Electric Society (AES)” International Summit on Electric Mobility and Smart Cities is a response to the growing demand for professionals to meet the challenge of electrifying the society of the 21st century. It is an event organized by the University of Oviedo Foundation together with the “Milla del Conocimiento” Chair and the International Education Network (EduNet) supported by Phoenix Contact. This event will take place on 19th and 20th of September 2024, at the International Trade Show facilities in Gijón, Spain. It is estimated that more than 300 people will attend.

This summit brings together leaders in the electric mobility and smart cities sectors linked to academic and professional training, innovators, and experts to share insights, discuss trends, and collaborate on the future of education in those fields. The aim of this AES International Summit is to address, from a didactic perspective, the basic and advanced principles of technology linked to electric mobility and smart cities.

Event highlights:

·        Keynote speeches 

·        Master classes

·        Round tables

·        Networking

·        Workshops 

·        Gaming sessions

·        Hardware & software exhibitions

·        EV driving test & competitions 

There will also be an in-person EduNet meeting with colleagues and EduNet members in addition to the official agenda of the summit. Nevertheless, the event is open to everyone. Feel free to share the event with relevant colleagues and contacts.

For more information, please, consult the event website or contact Jana König (

We hope to see at the AES Summit this September!

At a glance – event details:

  • Date: 19-20 September
  • Venue: International Convention Center, Gijón, Asturias, Spain
  • Fees: EduNet member (0€); Regular Participant (110€/150€ (with evening social programme) – Early Bird till 31st July)
  • Who? Everyone interested in e-mobility and smart city issues
All Electric Society (AES) International Summit on Electric Mobility and Smart Cities
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