
Play now: Serious game ELECTRIFYtoday is available from today

Here we go! From today you can play the German version of ELECTRIFYtoday, our serious game about the energy revolution for learners and teachers, as a browser version or download version. In exciting missions, you can design a world in which energy from renewable resources is available in sufficient quantities – the All Electric Society. […]

Eduline AC Charging Set – available now!

Our new Eduline AC Charging Set is finally available in the Phoenix Contact Shop. The training board provides exciting and valuable learning content about AC charging of electric cars. Students and interested parties from technical training courses can use the AC Charging Set to simulate complete charging scenarios, various fault simulations and commissioning measurements. You […]

ELECTRIFYtoday: Test the online game on the energy transition for the first time at Hannover Messe 2024

With the Serious Game ELECTRIFYtoday, we have developed an online game that teaches trainees in the electrical industry and students of STEM subjects about the energy transition as part of their career orientation. The game will be released and presented at this year’s Hannover Messe from April 22 to 26, 2024: Playful knowledge transfer for […]

Done!  3 years of TechEducation – powered by Phoenix Contact

“Empowering People Through Technology!” has been the maxim since 01.10.2020 and we are celebrating! With the goal of developing holistic and innovative educational solutions for electrification, networking, and automation, we have launched “into the market”. With Training Boards for use in technical education areas, the international higher education network EduNet and the technology and education […]

TechEducation as host: Insights from the General Meeting “Education and Training for Automation 4.0 in Thailand”

From June 12 – 15, the General Meeting of the ETAT project took place at Phoenix Contact in Bad Pyrmont. ETAT stands for “Education and Training for Automation 4.0 in Thailand” and is a project co-funded by the Erasmus+ program of the European Union to qualify engineers by expanding universities in Thailand. TechEduation supports the […]

We are international – even at home!

On Friday, May 12, 22 professors and representatives of the Ministry of Education and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ) from Ethiopia met at Phoenix Contact to learn about educational cooperation between companies and universities. The universities in Ethiopia are currently undergoing a transformation process in which the aim is to combine theoretical knowledge transfer with application-oriented courses, e.g. in laboratories. Saed Afghani (International […]

We are committed! – We are a member of the Afrika-Verein and would like to work with the association to expand and strengthen cooperation in the education and business sectors

“As an excellently networked link, the Africa Association promotes the exchange between German and African representatives from business and politics. In Germany, the Afrika-Verein is the first point of contact for business information and the provision of contacts.” [Source: Africa-Verein] In order to share Africa know-how, exchange entrepreneurial successes and inspire more companies to cooperate […]

“BexElektro” brings movement into E-Mobility qualification

What use is our great available Phoenix Contact technology for the charging infrastructure if too few skilled workers are available to install and maintain it?Therefore we are a partner in the BMBF TVET-project “Vocational Training Excellence in Electromobility” or in German “Berufsbildungsexellenz Elektromobilität – BexElektro”. Until end of 2024 we will work on the successful […]

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